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发布日期:2024-08-16 10:12    点击次数:143



As esports continues to grow and become mainstream, competitive gaming is rapidly becoming a major industry. With millions of gamers worldwide playing, watching, and following the popular game, League of Legends, managing an esports team is no longer just a dream for aspiring gamers. And this is where the role of an esports manager comes into play.

The Job of an Esports Manager

An esports manager is the person responsible for managing a team of esports professionals. They are responsible for making sure that the team performs at their best, both individually and as a unit. They also handle the business side of things, such as scheduling, marketing, budgeting, and sponsorships. Furthermore, they also negotiate contracts, arrange travel and accommodations, and oversee the players' physical and emotional well-being.

The Role of League of Legends in Esports

League of Legends (LoL) is a game developed and published by Riot Games that has become one of the biggest esports events in the world. Riot Games hosts a professional league for LoL, the League Championship Series (LCS), which is broadcasted worldwide and boasts an impressive prize pool. With the game's popularity, LoL has become a staple in the esports world and an excellent proving ground for aspiring esports managers.

The Responsibilities of an Esports Manager of a League of Legends Team

Being an esports manager for a League of Legends team has its own set of responsibilities. An esports manager is responsible for assembling a team of dedicated players that can work together to achieve their goals. The manager is also responsible for ensuring that the team is well-equipped with the necessary equipment, resources, and training to improve their skills. They need to scout and recruit talented players who fit the team's needs and who can represent the team with honor, both on and off the game.

The Qualities of a Good Esports Manager

To lead and succeed in the esports industry, one must possess a unique set of qualities to be a great esports manager. A good esports manager must possess leadership skills, a deep understanding of the game and its mechanics, and an analytical mind to break down the team's strengths and weaknesses. They must also be able to communicate and work well with the players, business personnel, and the community.

Additionally, they must be an excellent problem solver, able to pivot and adapt to changes on the fly, and think strategically in high-stress situations. They should also possess a strong work ethic, time management, and excellent organizational skills to keep everything in line to avoid chaos and setbacks.


In conclusion, being an esports manager for a League of Legends team is both a challenging and fulfilling job. It requires an exceptional set of skills, talents, and qualities to succeed in this fast-paced and competitive industry. However, with the continued growth of esports, the demand for esports managers will increase, and the potential for success is enormous. Who knows, the next great esports manager may be reading this article right now!

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